Medical & Wellness Center just for MEN
15901 Hawthorne Blvd. #450A
Lawndale, CA 90260
Tel: 424-349-4220
men's Sexual Health & Performance
Localized Shockwave Therapy
How it Works
Focused Shockwave Therapy is low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT). This focused soundwave is utilized to increase blood flow in extremities in the body.
Focused Shockwave Therapy breaks down plaque buildup that naturally occurs in men to improve overall function.
Proven, non-invasive, comfortable, and effective.
Scientifically studied worldwide (Europe & Asia) in many clinical trials over the past 10+ years. Now available in the US over the last 5 years.
Radial vs Focused
Radial Pressure waves offered by other providers can be painful, require local anesthesia, and may not be as effective as focused shockwaves (but can be useful).
The radial energy is scattered (like a shotgun) and doesn’t maximally reach the targeted area for efficacy.
Focused Shockwave Therapy enables a targeted, deeper, pain-free treatment where it counts. Single, focused pulses that can treat down to the cellular level.
Think of the difference between a shotgun, which scatters to hit multiple targets, and a sniper rifle, who can take out the enemy with a single round.
Focused shockwave is the elite sniper of military force designed for performance enhancement.
Check out our Specials
Popular TV:
"The Doctors" TV show
NBC Palm Springs
CBS Philadelphia
Clinical Research for this
Breakthrough Medical Treatment
Here at Men's Health USA, we offer the our proprietary Ageless PRP (P-shot) Protocol for men suffering the following disease states:
** Diabetes
** High Blood Pressure
** Suffer from ED
** Suffer from Neurological disorders
** Peyronie's Disease
** Subpar performance, and lack of quality orgasm
PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma that is taking directly from your arm through a phlebotomy needle. After the PRP has been harvested from your whole blood, it is then administered back to you.
Los Angeles Office:
15901 S. Hawthorne Blvd. #450A
Lawndale, CA 90260
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